Mikey Hartnett

While on the last day of a family vacation, Mikey had just conquered walking down a very steep driveway without any assistance, and he proclaimed "Daddy, I made it down the driveway all by myself!" immediately after, his dad heard him fall and bump his head on the pavement. That fall led to a series of events for Mikey and his family... while things seemed normal at first, Mikey began vomiting the next morning so his parents took him to the ER. An MRI CT scan found fluid, and Mikey's parents were asked to reach out to their neurologist. Within four days, on June 16, 2022, Mikey was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma at just three years old.
By the age of just three, Mikey was already no stranger to the challenges life throws... At just one- year-old, Mikey was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy, but he never let the challenges that come along with such a diagnosis affect his attitude.
Just four days after Mikey was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma, his battle against cancer began with a Craniotomy. Doctors were concerned that the tumor it was attached to Mikey’s brain stem but luckily it was not. They did find that the tumor had spread to his spine, but instead of surgery, they elected to utilize less invasive methods to combat this. Mikey completed 30 rounds of proton beam radiation, in just six weeks, at UF Proton Therapy Institute in Jacksonville, FL all the while not letting the treatments affect his beautiful smile or his strong spirit. Mikey is continuing treatment and is currently undergoing seven cycles of chemotherapy with much strength and courage.
Mikey continues to be a happy-go-lucky kid who defies the odds. People continue to gravitate toward him, there is just such a light and kindness that draws people in, his adorable smile is just added bonus. Mikey's positivity and resilience have not faded since his diagnosis as he battles a disease that no child should have to endure. Help LBF fund more effective and safer treatments for incredible kids like Mikey.