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LBF Heroes 

Below are a few stories of pediatric brain cancer families in our community.
Their stories are both inspirational and heartbreaking.
Their stories are the reason the Lilabean Foundation exists.


Click on an image to learn their story and how you can help.

"Never in a million years do you ever think you will be the parent hearing your child has brain cancer. As a parent, your first instinct is to protect your child from harm, but when you are blindsided by a diagnosis like ependymoma, it is the most helpless feeling that you can ever experience. By walking this road with my son and seeing the lack of treatment and research, it has lit a fire in me to not only fight for better for my son but for all the children who have faced, are facing, and are yet to face this battle. We are honored to partner with the Lilabean Foundation and drive funding and awareness because every child deserves the chance to live a very long, happy, and healthy life, and through this, all we know can offer that chance and hope. " - Cara, Cameron's Mom

Cameron Sarubin

"I hope that Ashton will have a success story to give the parents who are just starting out in their journey the faith that their child will make it through and that they are so strong, no matter how they feel during this battle. 

While I hold onto the hope that federal funding will change and childhood cancer treatments and funding will receive the awareness it needs, our voices seem to fall on deaf ears, and I hope one day, as a collective group, our advocacy moves mountains and eradicating childhood cancer becomes a national movement."
-Amanda, Ashton's Mom

Ashton Hawkins

“I hope that through sharing my story, I will raise awareness and funds for childhood brain cancer research. Even more so, I hope that kids and their families who are going through their cancer journey can look to me and my story as inspiration to keep their spirits high. ”
-Jack, Pediatric Brain Cancer Survivor

Jack Rolle

"Bring pediatric brain cancer to the forefront of people's minds." 
-Damian aka 'Junior'

Junior Wroblewski

"We would like to express our deepest gratitude for the support and prayers over the years. Please continue to pray for Lila and all of the children who are faced with this devastating disease and please continue to support LBF. We know it takes an army."
- The Giroux Family

Lila Giroux

"Ben has always been a normal fun-loving happy child. He never wanted to be in the “spotlight “ but unfortunately was thrust into it.  For a walk to raise funds for childhood cancer awareness, family and friends were asked for words that describe Ben to be put onto t-shirts. Some of them are: courageous, perceptive, smart, enthusiastic, curious, thoughtful. He is all of these but two that jumped out at us are brave and hero. Ben never complained about the long process to recovery. In fact one time he said: don’t worry Papa, it will be ok. Indeed he is our brave hero, not only for all he has endured, but also how he continues to handle himself." -Sal Bellavia, Ben's Grandfather

Ben Bellavia-Cortezi

“Till we meet again, sweet angel, Kelley”

Kelley Bula

We are so grateful to organizations like the Lilabean Foundation that continue to fundraise to support innovative research and trials to find a cure for childhood brain cancer. -Maureen Lilly, Becca's mom

Becca Lilly

Charli Carr

“Our hope is in sharing Bennett's story is to give parents and loved ones of kids with cancer the knowledge that there is hope and amazing progress in treatment being made every day."
-Jay, Bennett's dad

Bennett Younger

“Graham loves telling jokes. They say laughter is some of the best medicine, so we have leaned into humor and jokes since finding Graham’s tumor.  His current favorite is “How does the ocean say hi? It waves”. I want to live in a world where Graham, and other kids like him, are able to learn and tell new jokes simply because they’re funny, not because they need a distraction from the pain and pokes they’re enduring. ”
-Abbie, Graham's mama

Graham Finneran

"He is always adapting and overcoming. Time and time again, he quickly finds a way to adapt to his challenges.  Even through all of this, he is still riding his tricycle around the house, chasing his sister. Nothing stops this kid, cerebral palsy, brain cancer...nothing." 
-Michael, Mikey's dad

Mikey Hartnett

"Curing childhood cancer isn’t just about surviving, it’s about developing less toxic treatments. Many of Cameron’s ER visits and hospital admissions have been the aftermath of the drugs that are treating the cancer - such as radiation, chemotherapy, and the sedated scans. My hope is that sharing Cameron’s story will raise awareness and funds for organizations, like LBF, whose mission is devoted to addressing the severely underfunded pediatric brain cancer research for treatment options. " - Andy and Stewi Corno, Cameron's parents

Cameron Corno

"Maddie was 8 when she was diagnosed with brain cancer. At the time she was diagnosed, research had come far enough to know that for her type of tumor, surgery alone might be all the treatment she needs. One decade earlier, Maddie would also have had radiation and chemotherapy. She may still need those treatments in the future, but her oncology team has felt comfortable watching and waiting (and worrying) for now because of what they know about her type of tumor. We feel so fortunate that Maddie’s type and location of brain tumor required two surgeries and ongoing monitoring, but may not need additional treatment. And if she does need treatment in the future, there may be something newer and less toxic available for her. For so many other kids, these treatment options are urgent and there is no time to waste. We are honored to partner with the Lilabean Foundation in this important and lifesaving work"
-Jessica Colburn, Maddie's mom

Maddie Highfill

"By sharing Max’s story we hope to bring awareness to the pediatric cancer journey that kids with CNS tumors take on. We also hope to raise funds to support research to bring additional safe and effective treatment to kids with these types of cancers."
- Carol Pound, Max's mom

Max Pound

"Although her brain tumor has caused her to go blind in one eye, Zoe's challenges have given her a different perspective on life and have allowed her to more clearly see the needs of others."
- April Fitzgerald

Zoe FitzGerald

" Pediatric cancer is not rare, so let’s stop calling it rare! I want the world to know kids get cancer, and they face treatments that have not advanced in decades as well as long-term side effects. I want all parents to feel empowered to speak up and push back if their gut is telling them something is not right. Kids deserve the best science has to offer, and right now, they are getting the leftovers." 

💜 Kelly & Kennedy

Kennedy Ransom

“My hope is that Abby’s story not only encourages other brain cancer families, but also helps spread awareness about childhood cancer."
-Katie, Abby's mom

Abby Cafiero

“The fact that the medication that Abby is on was just FDA approved for general use, but not even for her age group, really highlights the importance of treatments specifically for children diagnosed with pediatric brain cancer.  Everytime we look at research it’s all about use in adults…it really shows how big the gap is and how much work we have to do to provide our children more effective treatments with fewer long-terms side effects."
-Andrea, Abby's mom

Abby Brown

“We are in a race against time, as we are running out of treatment options for Kasey, and as her body feels the cumulative impact of multiple years of intense treatment. We know that more funding for research means a better chance that Kasey will survive. Enough is enough. I know a cure exists. Let's find it.” – Alyssa, Kasey’s Mom


"As Will's parents it was our greatest honor to walk through life with him, to be with him in times of joy and sorrow, and to witness his incredible, unwavering spirit. For the rest of our lives we will try to Walk Like Will."
-Kristy Wallmo and Jerry Hovis, Will's Parent

William Hovis

It is unacceptable in this day and age with modern technology that our children are dying from brain cancer. This disease kills more kids than any other cancer. We MUST stop this from happening. - JP Purssord

Jack Purssord

"Sharing Elizabeth’s story is a way to help others who are navigating this difficult journey & an opportunity to influence change. After Elizabeth died, we traveled to Capitol Hill for Gold Ribbon Days to lobby for more funding for pediatric cancer research & found that sharing our story made a difference to lawmakers. We hope that is still true 20 years later as the need for funding continues."- Sandy Carr, Elizabeth's mom

Elizabeth Carr

"We thank God Almighty for the true miracle our family has been graced with that our Joe is still with us today." 

Joe Ludwikoski

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